What is Money Insurance?
Money Insurance, regardless of the industry you operate in, is often necessary for small to medium enterprises that handle and transport large amounts of cash, both within and outside their premises.
If your company requires this kind of protection, Hollard’s comprehensive Money Insurance provides coverage against the physical loss of money due to theft.
Aga Sure’s Money Insurance offers your organization complete coverage for the loss of money caused by theft committed by an unrelated third party.
What does Money Insurance cover?
1. Cash
2. Banknotes
3. Currency notes
4. Cheques
5. Postal orders
6. Money orders
7. Credit card vouchers
8. Valued documents
This Money Insurance policy includes:
Compensation for the replacement of a money storage receptacle following theft or attempted theft (subject to certain limits)
Compensation for replacing locks and keys if you suspect that an unauthorized individual has obtained a copy of a key type (subject to certain limits)
Compensation for injuries to employees resulting from theft or attempted theft.